Book An Appointment
Before You Book
It’s okay to be nervous, but take a deep breath and try to shake off those jitters.
I choose not to see how and when people pass away - so I won’t see how and when your time is, either. A lot of people worry about that - but it’s not something I believe in doing.
Be in as quiet of a space as possible with as few distractions as possible. Other people talking will interrupt my connection - animals usually don’t, so no worries over barking pups!
If you are looking to connect with someone on the other side, please let me know in the beginning. Do not ask if you can talk to Grammy during your last five minutes. Give her more love than that.
Make sure you have something to write with and take notes. Something may not register or click with you right away, so it’s good to have notes of our session to review later.
Terms & Conditions
You must be of 18 years of age or older to sit for a reading.
All bookings are final. Refunds will not be given.
You may reschedule up until the day prior to your reading using the link in your original email confirmation.
If you book a Zoom reading, please turn your video on. If you don’t want your video on, then please choose a phone reading.
Except in the case of gross negligence or malpractice, I or my representative(s) agree to fully release and hold harmless (Kathryn Ann - Intuitive LLC) from and against any and all claims or liability of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of or in connection with my session(s).